The Half-Life franchise contains some of the best and most beloved video games ever made. While the vast majority of the series is very good, they can’t all be equally great. Let’s rank ‘em!
Before this list starts, a bit of housekeeping. First, this list omits Deathmatch Classic, because that’s more of a Half-Life multiplayer mod developed by Valve that just happens to contain some Half-Life assets. Half-Life Deathmatch Source is also not on here, because it’s just a rerelease of Half-Life’s original online mode, which wasn’t a separate game originally. This list is just Half-Life games. Not games that are set in the Half-Life universe but aren’t actually Half-Life games. So Portal 1 and 2 aren’t on here. Lastly, Black Mesa isn’t on here. We debated including it, but decided to keep it off the list. It’s a wonderful remake and if you want to play Half-Life 1, but are put off by the old visuals and design choices, I’d recommended giving Black Mesa a go. But considering its fan-made roots and the fact that it is mostly a remake of Half-Life 1, we decided it was worth mentioning but didn’t need to be ranked.
With all that out of the way, here’s our list ranking Half-Life games, from worst to best. (And no spoilers in this list.)