Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is excellent. It’s one of my favorite video games of 2022 and is probably my favorite Star Wars game ever made. It’s also one of my favorite Lego games, too. As a big Lego fan and someone with many sets and minifigs, I decided to use some of my expensive plastic for work. So, let’s compare Star Wars minifigs and a few ships from the game with their real-life counterparts.
Before we continue, this isn’t a list comparing every figure or ship in Lego Star Wars with everything I own. That would be a very long list and a bit embarrassing. Instead, I selected figures and ships from across all the films and did my best to directly compare digital and real-world versions. It was a trickier process than I expected, mainly because Skywalker Saga doesn’t feature a photo mode of any kind. (Note to TT Games: Maybe, if you get a chance...add a photo mode?)
With all that out of the way, here are the comparisons and some other details! Oh and all digital figures are on the left and real-world counterparts on the right in each image.