Valve cracks open the door to its zombie-proof fortress and tosses out preorder details for Left 4 Dead 2, with a 10% discount, early demo access, and an in-game bonus awaiting those who put their money down.
Answering one of the questions Luke raised when the Left 4 Dead 2 demo was first announced, customers who preorder the game from either Steam or participating retailers will receive early access to the demo, currently targeted for an October 27th release. Preorder customers will also enjoy 10% off the full purchase price, and an exclusive in-game American baseball bat, one of the new melee weapons that constitutes one of the core differences between this game and last year's original.
You can head over to Steam and preorder your copy right now, or you can be really nice and preorder a 4-pack to make sure you have friends when you take on the freshly-awakened zombie hordes.