Last week in the Chinese city of Chongqing a high-ranking League of Legends player was publicly introduced over an internet cafe’s speakers. Among the people wandering past his screen to check him out was an off-duty policeman, who...thought the player looked a lot like a suspect.
As this story on Baijiahao reports, rookie cop Zhang Yihao was at an internet cafe last week with some colleagues when he had to take a bathroom break. On his way back, the café announced the challenger’s presence—something that’s pretty common in China—and so he shot the ranked player a look.
Quickly realising the player matched the description of a case Yihao had been aware of a few days earlier, he took a photo, checked the man’s appearance, confirmed it was the suspect then informed some on-duty cops, who quickly joined up with Yihao and his friends to arrest the player.
I realise that is a very strange sequence of words to read together all at once, so here’s footage of the whole thing going down, from the initial spot to the photos to the arrest: