Been all quiet on the LA Noire front for a while now. So how's everything going? Well according to the president of the Game Developers' Association of Australia (LA Noire's in development at Team Bondi studios in Sydney), Tom Crago, everything's going just fine. He says the game has around "a year or so to go", then adds that it "could be the biggest budget videogame in development anywhere in the world. It would certainly... in terms of console titles, be in the top ten... LA Noire is a massive massive project". Never really had the game pegged as a BLOCKBUSTER before, but hey, if that's how Rockstar want to spend their cash, it's their cash! Finally, he also told attendees at Games Convention Asia that the game was coming to 360. Funny, since it's always been a PS3 exclusive. Then again, Crago's boss of the GDAA, not boss of Team Bondi, so we'll peg this last bit a rumour for now. L.A. Noire: A Year Off and No Longer PS3 Exclusive? [IGN]
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