Last week I asked our intrepid photo manipulation community to create lightsabers that make the cross-barred one from the recent Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer seem tame. It doesn't get much more wild than a rousing game of Snake.
You know what a lightsaber really needs? Apps. Nothing too complicated, just something to do with this magnificent blade of light when it isn't busy cauterizing on the way through. miro4D2's amazing animated entry answers the age-old question, "How do Jedi pass time in the bathroom?"
This was another close one, with a metric shit-ton of amazing entries — so many my browser crashed a dozen times trying to go through them all. But go through them I did, if only to bring you...
This Week's Honorable Mentions
Bobotheteddy for "Hold me." "I can't."
Dragon XVI for the Final Fantasy VII remake we've been waiting for.
Xenofloppy for the ravesaber.
Cucurbitacée for a skeleton laced with the Force.
Orionsangel for oh, I see what they were going for now.
arniejolt though we lose more strippers this way.
Amish Wolverine for making the very best of a great situation.
unsaved_progress for the worst-case scenario.
codexcdm for the old cartoon memories.
vinuraba for the more recent cartoon memories.
Twinbruiser because he really is Star Lord.
amazingmao for the Schwartz.
JurassicBark for an idea that's time has come.
Daigenzo for pretty much covering it.
ozimov for not leaving me enough room to screw with his name.
anorak for none shall pass.
kaploy9 for getting Shulkie properly dressed for once.
lexgamer because if you're going to have to be a sword...
Chucachoo for just the right amount of crazy.
Divi9sibleByZer0 for the discosaber, baby.
MrDeadScott for rallying us with pep.
Dale Cooper for fucking it.
JustWaitingForAMate for being incredibly subtle.
sen for fixing the problem where it started.
ParamedicFoetus for making sense of it all.
Ginger Snap because this is actually kind of cool.
Poop because just look at this magnificent thing.
Fizziks for being clever, funny and unique.
Ganonthegreat1 for being perfect exactly as it is.
sciteach because this is exactly what it feels like.
Matt Garbutt for what everyone was expecting.
Rokeden for what we know is eventually going to happen.
uscg_pa for our freedom (but not our lives)
and of course...
miro4D2 for the win!
Join us next week, when we'll all be eating sandwiches.