Last week I asked our Photoshop-savvy readers for live-action Sonic The Hedgehog. They gave me gold.
Sorry, Sony, but there's no way your live-action/animated Sonic movie will be half as entertaining as these winning entries. I've not laughed out loud this many times since I started running the weekly Kotaku 'Shop Contest. Seriously, my sides hurt.
The overwhelming hilarity and absurdity made it incredibly hard to pick a winner this week, so I gathered a group of potential winners, and let my wife decide. My wife, the Wes Anderson fan. Antoineandtheblows really lucked out with that decision. Just a simple word swap, a few pasted bits, and bam.
As for the rest of this week's winners — I'm sure I'd enjoy each of these more than whatever Sony comes up with. Excellent job, my friends.
William Harvey — for the nightmares.
[A] — for making me look this up.
Cutthroat Bill — for doing Forrest Gump
Huenchu — for going the extra mile (fast)
Nick-o-lass — because it almost fits.
Bizwax — for Bill Murray's best screen performance
Ginger Snap — because all they'd need is foam heads
Clutchy — though he's anything but usual
Danihound — because this would be an improvement
uscg_pa — because I want this now, dammit
JustWaitingForAMate — for another movie I'd probably enjoy
ahoihoi — for kicking it old school
Iconoclast24 — for I too would like to see this movie
HookHandCarDoor — for making me remember this movie was a thing
Cartoonivore — first time's the charm
Septemtriones — for the sheer what the fuck?
Chrury Sanson — because I am pretty sure this is what the actual movie will be
kflebeda — nicely done!
SonicWarriorTJ — for being so subtle
NinostheBOSS — for almost, but not quite
CheekyDesign — for blue Uma chest
Gretnablue — for setting the mood
turtlejosh — for getting Sonic married
Alex — wasn't this already a real movie?
RickyTheVoice — for appropriate use of twisted Sonic
GiantBoyDetective — because he had a plan. He had a plan.
Arch Duke Maxyenko — for the beef
arniejolt — because I know why he chose which head went where
Saulsalsa — for getting it right the second time
Dylan Sunkel — for the placement of that spring platform alone
F50!! — for the enthusiasm
MrDeadScott — because I just now got it
sciteach — because that hat looks awfully silly
Tom Bomb — for making me all misty-eyed
curugon — for a movie starring Zak Efron, Rihanna and Sir Ben Kingsly
SubieRoo — for keeping the dream alive
And finally...
Antoineandtheblows — for the win
Come back tomorrow for another exciting contest, and perhaps I'll finally get around to that other thing folks keep asking about.