Last week we asked our image manipulating community to show us what sorts of games they’d like to see on the minty-fresh Apple Watch. As it turns out, most of them are insane. Oops.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, mind you. Just an observation, really. They probably think I’m insane as well, since I passed over most of the high star earning entries for AlmightyDuke’s successful attempt at making Super Hexagon even more difficult. I could see this happening, and it frightens me.
Check out the rest of this week’s winners to see what also frightens me, albeit to a somewhat lesser extent.
This Week’s Almost Winners
Brand Silven — for true next-gen gaming.
PatriceB — for nice sentiment that’s never gonna happen.
sillstaw — for the tiniest dots ever.
Caven — for making myBatman dreams come true.
Chrury Sanson — for the smallest Duel Disc ever.
vien11 — for Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions.
Tristanix — for Nintendo’s first Apple Watch game.
Noah Robertson — for predicting four or five Apple Watches from now.
AhmedX360 — for the inevitable flood of peripherals.
AKComic — for the most appropriate use of an Apple Watch.
hierronacho — because this is just beautiful.
trixster90 — for kicking it old school.
apt4894 — the most personal amiibo yet.
Ikemen — for clicking all of the cookies.
Shinrawr — for proving how accurate the Apple Watch is.
SteveFish — for showcasing the Apple Watch’s health features.
Steve Bowling — though it’s already sold out.
Freyar — for one of Apple’s many competitive video games.
Ciaran — for not being the only one who would buy this.
Burkus Cat — Wait for it...
arniejolt — because this is actually a pretty great idea.
Ginger Snap — oh snap!
Ozimov — hook it to the heart monitor for the win.
r1ggs — because someone ran with my Game and Watch idea!
toolsoldier — for Wrist Pong.
My other car was the other woman — for Two-Player Wrist Pong.
Servant_of_Kane — for an incredibly clever callback.
Mrichston — for an incredibly tiny but strangely sexy Watch Dogs.
BruceWayneByDay —- because there’s always at least one.
Shepster — for the inevitable.
GiantBoyDetective — because its pretty much what the watch adds to iPhone games.
Kcity — for realistic wrist-kickings.
thegregorius — for the finest Age of Empires delivery device known to man.
spaceludes — for something I want more than an Apple Watch.
Mrglgrgl — for making the unplayable even more unplayable.
sciteach — for making me get dizzy and throw up. Seriously, I threw up a little imagining this.
lhsus — because its know...that time.
Ganonthegreat1 — for urging those Power Rangers to go, go.
RayJingbul — because there’s always two. Just two.
Stoutflies — because fuck you for even suggesting this you monster.
NotGoodForYou — wins the Most Obvious award, with runner up...
Brandon0151 — sharing the honors.
Halfbeast — because Brain always wins.
pkmnfrk — because WHAT THE HELL DOES IT MEAN? Must buy more hours!
and of course...
AlmightyDuke — for the win!
Should my slowly melting cable modem hold up, we’ll do another of these later today!