Last week's 'Shop Contest asked our readers to envision the future of the Nvidia Shield, a product that's been three things in as many years. And while sciteach's entry doesn't quite depict that, it would make for a much more interesting press conference.
I'd call the win a technicality, but I'm not going to be the one referring to Samuel L. Jackson as a technicality. Just look at that hypnotizing face movement. It's useless to resist him.
As for the other, more thematically-adherent entries... well, most of them are winners too. They're just winners of a lower rank.
This Week's Junior Agents
PaperTig3rs — because the future is VR.
Buck Stanley — For the first of several Zelda-themed 'shops.
Clokie — yes, you are definitely doing it right.
FlyingDorkProd — because I'd almost forgotten about this show.
cateotu — for the CIRCLE OF LIIIIIIIIFE.
Bravesta — because I am pretty sure they run Android.
TheOneWhoAteYourPizza — for no reason at all, least of all HAIL HYDRA.
Mrichston — for making me remember Hasselhoff as Nick Fury.
MrDeadScott — because when I was a kid I used to joke she had a sister named Panty. I thought it was hilarious.
rla187 — for being the second one to make this connection.
Pain-in-the-Sass — for being the first 0ne to make this connection.
sillstaw — for the inevitable Nvidia Shield/Borderlands erotic fan fiction to follow.
GiantBoyDetective — because I'm sure it could block a few blows before shattering.
My Little Metroid — for using my original top image idea.
Octopus-Crime — because he looks like he plays.
Doctor Nein — for a much more useful shield.
amazingmao — for living up to that adjective.
GreatPaperClip — for the reversal
DistractedObserver — ouch man, just ouch.
Orionsangel — because apes are always great, even lie apes.
And of course...
sciteach for the win!
Congrats to everyone ever, whether they made a Photoshop contest entry or not.