For those of you unable to attend this year's Kotaku pre-E3 party because of your location, age or crippling shyness, let's turn this Kotaku Off Topic into a virtual party replacement. Who wants pizza?!
Hell, I do. That's why I am about to order a Chicago deep dish from down the street. Hopefully it will look like this one. I need to drown this week's worth of sorrows in sausage and wine. I feel a lot older this week, even though I write about video games for a living and make video game t-shirts in my spare time. Who knew these things could be so draining? I mean, it's not like I'm doing manual labor...
Anyway, back to the party. Wooo!!!
- Jeremy Renner near deal to join Marvel's 'Avengers' - From Hurt Locker to Hawkeye?
- Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg and David Beckham walk into a bar - and Snoop cuts off Ponda Baba's motherfuckin' arm with a lightsaber!
- How not to leave the airport - Drunk driving isn't funny (expect when no one gets hurt, the driver gets arrested and has her car explode after launching over a tollbooth).
- The reason for this post's headline - Link description deschfhgh
- This newspaper is in everything! - Great, now I'm going to be noticing newspapers in movies and television.