Guess what? This Kotaku post is not about video games, if you want clear early warning so that you can either complain about it on your blog or join us for nighttime conversation about whatever. It's doubly useful!
This edition of the nightly Kotaku Off Topic series could be about the Green Hornet, a movie that likely wouldn't generate much personal interest unless it was directed by Michel Gondry and featured people like Tom Wilkinson and Christoph Waltz. I guess they'll be showing off first footage on Jimmy Kimmel's show tonight, making the decision to watch that show or Jimmy Fallon's show for (another look at Kinect) a tougher decision.
Crap. This post was just about video games. I hate it when that happens!
Back to other things...
- "Fans" torch taxi after Lakers win the NBA Finals - Sadly, none of these douchebags appear to have suffered horrible burns.
- ThinkGeek's best cease and desist ever - Someone's not happy about packaged unicorn meat!
- Amazon drops Kindle price to $189 - The same day that (almost) every iPhone becomes an e-reader with new firmware.
- Who's up for more depressing pictures of the Gulf oil spill?! - Here ya go! Cheers!
- Marvel rumored to make new super hero short films - Like Pixar's pre-features shorts, these 10-minute-long features would introduce B-siders (Black Panther, Dr. Strange) to a wider audience. Neat idea.
- Speaking of movie trailers, here's that Smurfs teaser you were asking for - Oh, "Wild Thing." Of course.