Aspiring writers: Kotaku is bringing in another round of editorial interns! Do you…
• Live in the New York City metro area?
• Are you over 18?
• Want to learn how to work in the games press?
• Have a laptop and a better-than-average command of English? (Better than us, I'm saying?)
• Maybe, kind of, sort of heard of a few videogames?
If you've got a genuine interest in learning how to write, report, and have a hand in creating content for the most dynamic and fearless games outlet on the planet, send a short list of qualifications to "", along with a paragraph (two if you must) about an area of gaming that Kotaku has given short shrift-and at least three links to back up your position.
We'll be accepting applications for the next week, with interviews to start next week for qualified candidates. Good luck!