Today Sony Computer Entertainment confirmed yesterday's rumor that its digital-only portable the PSPgo was going out of production.
The Tokyo-based electronics giant told Japanese website AV Watch that new PSPgo units would no longer be manufactured or shipped "in order to concentrate on the NGP". The remaining PSPgo stock, however, will continued to be sold until it's gone.
When asked about the PSP-3000, Sony told AV Watch, "It will continue to be sold, and we will keep focusing our attention on it from here on out." No doubt with a big library of games in Japan, the PSP will continue to be a popular portable even after Sony's upcoming portable, the NGP, goes on sale later this year.
Sony is likely to continue supporting it, much like it supported the PS2 even after the PS3 went on sale.
The UMD-free PSPgo went on sale in fall 2009 to mixed reviews. Last October, the portable's price was slashed.
SCE、PSP goの出荷を完了。「NGPに注力する」 [AV Watch]