Earlier this month, French "transmedia installation designer" Miguel Chevalier (that's Unnecessarily Pretentious Jargon for "artist") turned the Moroccan cathedral Sacré Coeur into a shimmering spectacle of lights and responsive surfaces with his latest project, Magic Carpets 2014.
At face value, the chunky and brightly colored pixel art looks an awful lot like that giant game of Tetris the city of Philadelphia played a few days ago. But it's a bit less formulaic than that. In a statement describing the project, Chevalier said that he wanted to "revisit the tradition of the Islamic art" specifically, "in particular the mosaic and the carpets."
"A huge light carpet covers the floor of Sacré Coeur church," he continued. "When the viewer moves, the trajectory of the curves is disrupted under their feet. This world of colors and forms in movement, invites us into the magic universe of the 'Arabian Nights' and the flying carpets with the music of Michel Redolfi."
The installation was only up and running to show people the world for three days, but thankfully fellow French person and artist Claude Mossessian captured some of its beauty for those of us who couldn't make it to Casablanca in time.
Yannick LeJacq can show you the world too—or at least the part of it that exists on the internet. Send him a note at yannick.lejacq@kotaku.com, or find him on Twitter at @YannickLeJacq.