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It's Nintendo vs France In Flash Card Showdown

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Earlier this week, a French court dismissed Nintendo's case against Divineo, a manufacturer of DS flash cartridges, on the grounds that Nintendo shouldn't be locking people out of development on the handheld.

Instead, the presiding judge advised Nintendo that it should adopt a more accessible development platform, like that you'd find on a PC.

As you'd expect, Nintendo - who have pursued similar action in Japan - are displeased with the judge's decision, and will be appealing, telling MCV:

Nintendo is extremely disappointed with the decision by Paris' Criminal Court to find Max Louarn, his company, Divineo, and other co-defendants not guilty in the criminal case involving the sale and distribution of game copying devices

Nintendo welcomes the Prosecutor's decision to Appeal the Judgment. As a victim Nintendo will join his Appeal. Nintendo supports action against the distributors of such devices.

Nintendo maintains that infringement of its intellectual property rights, on its trademarks, software, its technical prevention measures and its video games is causing damage to the whole video game industry, preventing developers from gaining the full benefit of their hard work and creativity, but also to the customers who expect the highest standards and integrity from products bearing the Nintendo name.


Way to stick it to 'em, France. Liberté, égalité...attorneyté?

Nintendo appeals Flash card case [MCV]
