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Is That A Cutlass In Your Pocket, Or Is It Assassin's Creed: Pirates

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Alongside the playable demos at last week's Ubisoft press day stood a lone television looping a trailer for something called Assassin's Creed: Pirates. It's a new Assassin's Creed game for mobile devices, and what do you know? It features pirates.

According to press materials, the game will cast you as Alonzo Batilla, a pirate (drink!) who heads out in search of a mysterious treasure called… Big Whoop. No, wait, just kidding, it's actually treasure that belonged to a guy named La Buse. I wonder if La Buse was.. also a pirate? (Drink!)


According to the fact sheet, players will "cross paths with the Templars and the Assassins as they struggle for supremacy and meat the famed figures of the era: Blackbeard, Bellamy and Hornigold. Enrich your journey with dozens of side missions, treasures, quests perks and achievements." So, sounds like Batilla is neither an Assassin nor a Templar. Maybe this should just be called "Pirate's Creed"? (Drink!)


I didn't get to play the game, but it sure sounds like a mobile pirate thing; maybe something similar to if a bit less involved than the (very fun) iPad port of Sid Meier's Pirates! (Drink!).


Here are some screenshots Ubi sent over, which show how super excited we're all supposed to be about pirate ships.