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Is Sharing A Room With Siblings Hard?

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To: Crecente From: Bashcraft Even though Micro-Bash won't grace us until November, we've started to get chez Ashcraft ready for his arrival. Until now, my office has been in the room next to the living room, and Mini-Bash's room was near the front of the apartment. So, the plan is to have Mini and Micro in the room near the living room so it's easy for Mrs. Bashcraft to watch them, and I've been shuffled off to Mini-Bash's former room. Ultraman posts greeted me. This morning was spent getting my huge desk and bookcase into that room. Also, putting all small toys — like LEGO — that Micro can chew on when he becomes mobile months down the line in my new office. So, it's now, me in a office with a desk, a bookcase, surrounded by LEGO, Mister Potato Head parts and broken Dragon Ball Z figurines. Mini-Bash is excited to share a room. Wonder how long that'll last... What you missed last night Star Trek Online Official Announced, First Screenshots Look, A Mirror's Edge Comic Preview Dead Rising Wii vs. Dead Rising Xbox 360 Less Than A Month And a Half, MGS4 In Bargain Bins? No Okami 2 Until You Buy More Of Okami 1, OK? Over 30 Countries Konami Won't Take MGO Credit Cards From