Looking at the bird chests of the Kotaku editorial staff, you'd think we don't know from push ups. But we're thinking, thanks to PushupFu for the iPhone, we've got more chiseled cleavage in our future.
Normally, we avoid "exergaming" but PushupFu, one entry in a planned series of exercise focused Fu Apps for the mobile device, looks like we may have to change our collective minds. While not the first or, from my experience, even the most elegant of exercise apps for the iPhone, PushupFu uses the device's built-in accelerometer to track your push ups and provide feedback on your form.
Of interest to the competitive, PushupFu also lets you join tracked leagues and go head-to-head in a chest-building Battle Mode. It also has a built in course that promises to train you to do 100 push ups, no mean feat.
This takes me back to my days of doing push ups during Final Fantasy VII loading screens. Man, I was ripped by the time I got that Gold Chocobo. And, thanks to my recent PushupFu purchase I plan to be... well, marginally more physically fit than I am now. Who wants to step to this (about six weeks from today)?
PushupFu [iTunes Store via Techcrunch]