Just in time for Gamescom, Ubisoft has dropped off a new multiplayer dev diary for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. In the video, Tommy Jacobs, the multiplayer creative director on Future Soldier, walks us through a bunch of features in the upcoming tactical shooter.
After playing a good chunk of GRFS at E3 (and allow me to say that as acronyms go, GRFS < GRAW), I came away much more impressed with the game than I'd expected to be. Its trailers had made it look more or less like another unremarkable, grey third-person shooter, but I should've given Ubi more credit—they're very good at building clever mechanics into their games and thereby promoting unique, interesting gameplay.
An interesting feature in the video above is the ability to lay down suppressing fire—when players are ducking under LMG fire, the camera goes nuts and (presumably) makes it difficult to focus, giving an incentive to work together to suppress and flank. It also looks like a big emphasis will be placed on aquiring intel—players will have the ability to stun opponents and hack their suits, giving them temporary knowledge of the opposing team's locations.
I may not have had a chance to play the game's multiplayer, but Crecente's did, and his hands-on left him unsure that these elements could come together into a cohesive multiplayer experience.
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier launches in March of 2012.
You can contact Kirk Hamilton, the author of this post, at kirk@kotaku.com. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook, and lurking around our #tips page.