This is the Wanju Military Theme Park in South Korea. If only more video game first-person shooters were this colorful!
The self-described "military theme park" is an airsoft pellet gun map that uses the GunPower system. According to YouTube user Ds4odk, this system employs wireless BB detectors—one on the front, one on the back, one of the helmet, and one on the face goggles. Hits are signaled by LED light and electronic sound feedback, and kills are then registered on a central computer, and this particular map has closed circuit cameras.
Do note that the "SF Special Force" logos throughout might be nod to online shooter Special Force, which is, as tipster Sang points out, called Soldier Front in the States.
While there are terrific airsoft maps in North America, Europe, and elsewhere in Asia, what makes this was so neat are the cool flourishes: the vending machine, the working traffic lights, and the mock gas station. Instead of creating a map in a warehouse or using deserted buildings (both of which are totally cool!), they've built an urban map outside.
Also, I appreciate how there are attempts to brighten things up, especially in comparison to video game FPS colors.
Below you can see photos from last summer as well as from a few years back (courtesy of blogs Yeonsili, shiyp, and the GunPower boards).
So cool. Hopefully this self-described military theme park is still in operation, because I'd certainly love to visit. As of last December, it was still listed on South Korea's official tourism page.
Gunpower GPR War Game Field [정기정@YouTube Thanks, Sang!]
Photos: Yeonsili, shiyp, GunPower
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