The first Bayonetta was multiplatform. But the game’s sequel was a Nintendo exclusive, as is the upcoming Bayonetta 3. Other than getting a Switch, what should PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S owners do if they want to play the game? Tell Nintendo, says the game’s executive director, Hideki Kamiya.
It’s already pretty clear to whom these request should go! I mean, the game’s brand-new trailer does end with a big Nintendo logo. If that were still too subtle, Kamiya tweeted, “We are developing Bayonetta 3, as we did Bayonetta 2, with money we received from Nintendo. Since we’re ‘only developing,’ Nintendo has total say regarding the product.”
Therefore, Kamiya told his followers to go ahead and send their requests to Nintendo about porting the game to other hardware. Then, he added, if Nintendo does decide to bring Bayonetta 3 to the PS5, maybe Platinum Games will get the development money to make that happen.
“It seems the probability of Bayonetta 2 and Bayonetta 3 getting ported to the PS4 and Xbox isn’t zero,” Kamiya wrote. To be honest, the probability of most things isn’t necessarily zero! Just because it’s possible, however, that doesn’t mean it will happen. “So please keep working hard at sending your passionate requests to Nintendo,” he tweeted.
Could Kamiya be saying this to get fans off his back and from gumming up his Twitter feed? Maybe!
However, even though right now it might seem unlikely that Nintendo would be okay with porting Bayonetta 2 or 3 to rival hardware, there are some glimmers of hope. Remember, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water was originally published by Nintendo for Wii U, but the upcoming remaster will be multiplatform. Closer to home, Platinum Games did a remaster of The Wonderful 101, a Nintendo-published title for the Wii U, and brought the game to the PS4 and Windows. So, it can happen, and Bayonetta 2 and 3 still could be multiplatform. Keep the dream alive!
In the meantime, if you want to really play Bayonetta 3 anytime soon, you’ll have to get hold of a Nintendo Switch.