Greetings, Kotaku-eers, and welcome to the mid-week open-thread. I hope you survived your hump-day and are ready to begin to ease into the weekend.
Here are some fun things to check out before you get to the gabbing.
- How to dance at an outdoor Drum & Bass Rave - In case you were wondering.
- Awesome drum set made of wine barrels - Nice! I wonder how it sounds.
- Some people wish Dan Akroyd would stop talking about Ghostbusters 3 - My own Ghostbusters feelings are far too complicated to process any of this.
- This ad for Rick Santorum basically features some "Santorum" - It's like someone in his campaign is being funny. It's working.
- That Sarah Palin vs. Zombies movie has become controversial in Germany - What a surprise!
And that's that. Have good conversation!