To: Crecente
From: Bash
Cleaned out a bunch of CDs this morning. (CDs, I know!) Found a bunch of old UA discs. Back when we were dating, Mrs. Bashcraft gave me a couple of UA's CDs. I always feel tremendous gratitude when someone introduces me to music I end up loving and cherishing.
UA is an Osaka-born (Suita City!) popstar — but she's not quite pop any more and has become increasingly experimental. For my money, she's hands down the most interesting Japanese vocalist of the past twenty years. She's a powerful voice that can handle pop, R&B, jazz, children's songs, whatever.
Her song "Taiyo Te ni Tsuki wa Kokoro no Ryote ni" is fantastic.
The CD Mrs. Bashcraft loaned to me so many moons ago is AMETORA. The entire album is stellar, but personal favorites are:
"Milk Tea"
...and "Oyako basha basha".
Her new stuff is fantastic as well.
Terribly sorry for sharing like this! Was feeling rather sentimental today, and whenever I hear these songs, it reminds me of my early days in Japan.
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