I'm getting rid of my iPhone 4S. After years of using my phone more as a gaming machine than a communication device, I've decided to move on. The recently-released fifth generation iPod Touch is the perfect tool to wean me off of my iPhone dependency.
I'm not impressed by the iPhone 5 — I prefer a little more heft to my handset. Despite its perfect size, the iPad Mini does nothing for me, largely because Apple has been drilling hot amazing the retina screen is to me for so long I can't bring myself to purchase a device without it. The iPad 4 just makes me angry about my iPad 3.
I still love an Apple product, however, and considering I am the mobile gaming guy for Kotaku, I need easy access to gaming apps on iTunes.
The fifth generation iPod Touch has everything I need. It's got the A5 chip and 512mb of memory if the iPhone 4S, with the 1136 x 640 retina display of the iPhone 5. It's not nearly as powerful as the latest phone, but then I've never owned the latest phone so I don't notice a drop in performance.
I picked up the slate version of the iPod Touch with 32GB storage for $299 from my local Best Buy (should have gone with pink), and so far the only problem I've had is forgetting the 3.1 ounce device was still in my pocket.
So really the fifth generation iPod Touch is my iPhone 4S without the phone bits, only thinner and with a sexier screen. Works for me.