Curiosity, a mobile game experiment that began six months ago as a collective effort to excavate a giant cube and discover a magical secret at its center, has been completed. The winner, whom creator Peter Molyneux identified as Bryan Henderson of Edinburgh, Scotland, will become the all-ruling god of Molyneux's next game.
Henderson will write the rules by which everyone else will play. Moreover, he will share in the financial success of the game, GODUS, which met its crowdfunding goal back in December.
"You, the person who reached the center, will be the god of all people that are playing GODUS," Molyneux says in the video above. "You will decide—intrinsically decide—on the rules the game is played by. You will share in the success of the product. Every time people spend money on GODUS you will get a small piece of that pie. ... You will have fame, you will have fortune, and you will have the power to introduce morals into a game."
Molyneux says the idea for GODUS and this experiment came many years ago, but only in the modern state of a connected, online gaming community could it be put into effect.
[ORIGINAL POST] After six months, Curiosity's final layer was peeled away today. No one knows yet what was inside the box after all of that clicking. Peter Molyneux tweeted that the winner is in the UK. On May 1 he said the prize will "change that person's life forever."
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