The staff at the Museum of Digital Art and Entertainment have the knowledge, passion, and the gaming artifacts to create a world-class video game museum in the San Francisco Bay area. Now they just need a place to put it.
Archiving video game history is an important undertaking that needs to be handled with the utmost of understanding and care. Internationally published technology journalist Alex Handy and the rest of the Museum of Digital Art and Entertainment team are exactly the sort of folks that we should entrust our gaming heritage to. They appreciate the importance of not only keeping our gaming heritage intact, but also educating the public about it, showing those that might not understand why electronic games are an important part of our culture.
M.A.D.E. has big plans. They want to create a space in the San Francisco Bay area that is not only a museum, but a space where gamers can come and meet, host events, and generally act as a culture hub for the community.
To do that they're going to need cash, and you can help.
Right now the non-profit group is looking for $20,000, enough to secure a modest location in San Francisco for a year. It's a large number, sure, but we are gamers, and we are legion.
Check out the video to see what M.A.D.E. plans to do with your money. Then hit up the link below to give them your money. It's one thing to study video game history. It's another thing to be an active part of it.
The Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment [Kickstarter]