Tales of Arise is a big RPG that likes to make every number go up—except for the amount in your bank account. In keeping with series tradition, Tales of Arise’s economy is based on gald, which is kind of, like, a play on “gold” but instead of an “o” they’ve...oh, you get it? Okay, cool. If you stick to the story, you’ll find that gald is fairly hard to come by in Tales of Arise. Here’s how to get (and stay) rich on your quest to see the biggest number of them all.
Sell your armor.
As you progress, you’ll find new sets of armor, each of which is better than its lower-leveled counterpart in every stat. You don’t have any need for your old gear. Toss it.
Don’t sell your weapons.
That said, you will need to keep your weapons. Most every craftable weapon in the game is eventually available in a “refined” (i.e., stronger) option, which requires the base version as part of its recipe. If you want those more powerful weapons, you’ll end up having to pay twice for the lower-powered ones—once when you first used it, and once again when you want to use it as nothing more than a crafting resource.
Read more tips for playing Tales of Arise.
Fight all the gigants.
Every side-quest in Tales of Arise gives you gald, but the really big hauls come fighting gigants—massive, boss-sized monsters that pop up in dungeons you’ve already explored. In the early and middle stretches of the game, each side-quest related to a gigant will reward you 5,700 gald a pop. Later on, you’ll get 12,600 a piece.

The first one appears pretty close to the start, but you’ll be severely underleveled and won’t stand a chance. You’ll run into your first on the road between Calaglia and Cyslodia. There are around 20 in the game. Some advice for winning:
- Check their element by holding L1. Switch up your Artes to include some moves that give you a double-damage bonus. (So, if they’re fire, equip water. If they’re earth, air. And so on.) Also, deactivate any spells among your party that the gigant would be resistant to.
- Use life bottles to revive. Orange gels cost more than life bottles do. If you’re really in the interest of pinching pennies, using life bottles, rather than your precious reserve of cure points, is better in the big picture. Or you could just fast-travel to a camp after the fight.
- Take out the underlings first. It’s the golden rule of boss fights: take out the cannon fodder before focusing on the big one. This tactic is helpful in that it’ll make the battle less annoying, yes, but also because doing so can charge your boost attacks, which you can then unleash in quick succession on the gigant.
Shop smart.
As you explore, you’ll find no shortage of restorational items: apple gels, lemon gels, panacea bottles, life bottles, and the like. Less common are orange gels, pineapple gels, and other items that restore your cure points (a reserve shared among your team that’s used for healing spells). In shops, spend your money on those.
Sell your commodity items.
When you visit a shop, you’ll see a pop-up asking if you want to sell the “commodity items,” which are soldier dog tags, chunks of raw resources, and so on—you’ve picked up as battle rewards. There’s no fine print here. You have no need for this stuff. Just sell en masse.
Farm rappig.
Once you hit the Elde Menancia region, you’ll unlock the farming mini-game. After you successfully complete a few farm cycles, you’ll be able to start farming rappig, a nightmarish hybrid of a rabbit and a pig. (Yes, Dr. Moreau appears to exist in Tales.) You needn’t travel all the way back to Menancia to manage your farm. You can access it via the vendor who magically lives at every campsite.

Fill all five slots up with rappig. Then, when they’re ready for farming—usually indicated by your party member Law saying you should check up on the farm—return, take the haul, and sell it right back to the vendor. The timing works out so you can more or less set up your farming at the start of the dungeon, then do the dungeon, then return and make a sale. Raw rappig meat goes for 250 a piece, and you easily get five or ten out of each farming cycle: in other words, 2,500 gald for, essentially, no work whatsoever.
You can also earn gald from selling fish, but also fuck the fishing mini-game.
Cheat. Download the DLC.
We all know that pay-to-win schemes are skeevy in multiplayer games, but if you have no such compunctions, there’s a quick-buck scheme in Tales of Arise.
Tales of Arise’s premium item pack—which comes included with non-standard editions of the game and retails for $10 piecemeal—comes with a bunch of stuff intended to minimize the game’s grind. At the push of a few buttons, you can instantly dump 500,000 gald into your coffers. Let’s put that in perspective: According to the in-game stats tracker, over the course of my 40-plus-hour save file, I’ve earned a grand total of 470,675 gald. That’s right: Even my biggest big number is less than what you can get with optional DLC.