It's hard work, solving puzzles. Sometimes, a gal or guy might get hungry. Good thing there's Daniella Zelli's Gourmet Gaming, there to tell us how to make all of our favorite video game dishes, from Konami Wall-Turkey to the Grand Theft Auto burger to Dishonored's apricot tartlet. And now, she's tackled the venerable puzzle/exploration series Myst.
Today's new recipe is a somewhat out-there reference from the game's lore, bread baked during the mushroom age of the D'Ni. I haven't made it myself (I mostly stick to banana bread), but Zelli says the bread came out quite well. The next time I'm having friends over for puzzles and full-motion video cutscenes, I'll have to give this a shot.
Myst: Uru – D'Ni Mushroom Bread [Gourmet Gaming]