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How Does Japanese Manga Steve Jobs Compare to Real Steve Jobs?

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As previously reported, Japanese manga artist Mari Yamazaki of Thermae Romae fame is doing a biographical manga series on Steve Jobs.

Last month, when discussing the upcoming series, Yamazaki said she felt sympathy towards Jobs—which might provide insight to the angle she'll be taking with the series. Below is Yamazaki's take on Jobs. It's a drawing!


And here's how real Steve Jobs compares to Japanese manga Steve Jobs.

The Steve Jobs manga will begin appearing in female geared comics magazine Kiss starting March 25. The name of the manga series is Steve Jobs. I have no idea how they came up with that title.


テルマエ作者新作はジョブズ、月刊へリニューアルの「Kiss」で連載 [ナリナリ]

(Top photo: Justin Sullivan | Getty)

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