The winter Comiket, née Comic Market, is finished. The event's cosplay will live on thanks to posts like this. Hooray, internet!
First held in 1975, the bi-annual Comiket is the world's biggest self-published comic book fair. A half a million people show up to Comic Market, ready to buy rare comics and soak in the seemingly endless sea of cosplayers.
Sister site Kotaku Japan and cosplay site Asagawo Blog were on hand to snap photos. You can see their work in the gallery above, as well as in the links below.
This winter's Comiket ran from Dec. 29 to Dec. 31. Here's day one of cosplay and day two in case you missed them.
To see the larger pics in all their glory, click on the "expand" icon on the main image above.
[コミケ81]らんま1/2、スク水唯、シータ&キキなどなど。アニメコスプレ特集, もしかしてザンギエフさんご本人ですか? , 『僕は友達が少ない』柏崎星奈コスプレ [Kotaku Japan]