Video game historian Patrick Scott Patterson writes, "Anyone who claims video games cause child obesity might had more of a case in the 1980s." Here's more than eight glorious minutes' worth of commercials that explain why we were fat in the 1980s.
Video game food tie-ins are alive and well today, of course. The difference is we don't have to watch commercials if we don't want to, and advertisers have realized that gamers spend much more time gaming than watching television.
I was actually rather thin in the 80s. I ate a lot and played video games, but I was also incredibly hyperactive, so those calories burned away like crazy. Nowadays I like to think I am still hyperactive, only instead of running about like a maniac I am hyperactive about sitting. I sit very intensely. Almost as intensely as I eat.
80s Video Game Food Commercials - The Vault [YouTube]