Good news: true to their word, Vigil has issued the first update for the PC version of Darksiders II, addressing a number of problems players have had with that version of the game. Among the fixes: easier key-mapping, in-game crashes, and crucially, the broken v-sync, which resulted in unfixable screen-tearing for some (but not all) players.
The full list of fixes:
- In this Update your key mappings will revert to defaults.
- Added Key Bindings option to the Pause Menu. (Previous location on the Moves List still there)
- The V-sync graphics option is now functional.
- Reaper Form now triggers correctly when using a Keyboard.
- Video Settings save to the Steam Cloud correctly.
- You can now sacrifice items below the 3rd row in the Possessed Weapon menu.
- Target Reticules align properly at all screen resolutions.
- Addressed crashes in Blackstone, including at the 2nd lever and during the Lilith cut-scene.
- Various gameplay progressions fixes.
Vigil says that they are still working to address other problems they're hearing about, so if you've still got an issue with the game, let them know in the bug reporting section of their forums.
As one who was affected by the v-syncing bug (And I should point out, since I saw several commenters suggest it: No, there was no way to fix it by forcing V-sync in the catalyst control center), I was happy to boot the game up and see it running in 1080p with no screen-tearing. A game this vibrant and loaded with art shouldn't be hamstrung by tearing, you know? I'm looking forward to finally playing it.