Late last week, Sony chief financial officer Masaru Kato said, "For the home equipment the PS3 still has a product life, but this is a platform business, so for the future platform—when we'll be introducing what product I cannot discuss that—but our development work is already under way, so the costs are incurred there."
That sounded like he was talking about the PS4. Sony now say he wasn't. A Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson tells Japan's J-Cast News that the "future platform" referred to is Sony's upcoming portable, the NGP, and not the PS4.
According to J-Cast News, Sony Japan was surprised to see Western sites writing that the PS4 was under development. When J-Cast asked Sony about the PlayStation 4, the Tokyo-based electronics giant stated, "We have nothing to announce at this time."
「ソニーPS4の開発始める」 海外サイトが報じた特ダネの真相(J-CASTニュース) [livedoor ニュース via はちま起稿]
(Top photo: Junko Kimura | Getty)