Have you seen an amazing gaming moment lately? Send it to us at highlightreel@kotaku.com to get it included in our new feature, Highlight Reel! Check out some of the previous episodes right here.
You can submit a clip of something you did or just something you saw online that you think is worth sharing. If you'd like to send us a clip, here's what you need to send:
- A link to a YouTube video or wherever you saw the video
- Your name or gamertag that you'd like to be credited with
- The name of the person in the video, if it isn't you
It doesn't have to be a big multiplayer game, as long as the play is good, and happened recently. We've featured incredible kills from Dishonored and Farcry, bizarre glitches, and world-record speedruns as well. If you think it's interesting, send it to highlightreel@kotaku.com! Check out some of the previous episodes below, or all of them right here.