Aagh! Or maybe yay! Because you think that's romantic. Who knows? It takes all kinds.
Welcome to the nightly open thread, where you can come to chat away about anything you desire. Here, from the internet at large, are some things that might be fun to talk about, or just to check out.
- Man almost blows his head off by dropping a firecracker down a manhole - That'll teach him not to do that!
- A U.S. Appeals Court ruled Prop. 8, the California proposition banning same-sex marriage, as unconstitutional - It now goes to the Supreme Court.
- "What if all the cats in the world suddenly died?" - What if, indeed?
- Joseph Gordon-Levitt is directing a movie - Co-starring Scarlett Johansson! If I directed a movie, I'd probably co-star with Scarlett Johansson too.
- Now you, too can name two of the Bronx Zoo's giant cockroaches after yourself and a loved one - What a lovely Valentine's Day gift! I'm only half kidding.
- "Stock Photos of Women Looking Remorseful After Sexual Encounters" - I never met a stock photo gallery that I didn't like.
- "How to pronounce Nebuchadnezzar" - There are a bunch of these, and they are super-helpful.
And that's that. Have good chatting, y'all.