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GTA V Players Are Turning Wind Turbines Into Weapons Of Mass Destruction

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Maybe you’ve seen the recent viral tweet where a wind turbine causes chaos on a busy GTA V freeway. It’s pretty good! That said, using wind turbines to wreck havoc in GTA V is a time-honored tradition. Let’s look back on some of the more outstanding creations, shall we?

The wind turbine farm in GTA V is inspired by a real location, The San Gorgonio Pass Wind Farm, located in Southern California. It’s a massive location filled with over 3,000 wind turbines. Within GTA V, the area has been a popular spot for map creators and digital criminals alike. 


When the game was first released on Xbox 360 and PS3, modding outrageous races into the game wasn’t nearly as easy as it is now. Players used wind turbine as a quick way to give races more of a dangerous edge, as it was an obstacle that you had to avoid to keep going.


Before long, races featuring wind turbines became popular, and it’s not hard to see why. Wind turbines make for memorable moments: I still remember the first time they sent me soaring into the air. I laughed so hard I probably dropped the controller.


As modders got better at messing with GTA V and GTA Online, the maps got bigger and more dangerous—and so did the wind turbine creations:

Beyond cars, BMX races and jet races sometimes have players dodging windmills. Even parkour maps use windmills as obstacles courses, not unlike something you might see on Ninja Warrior.


While many use windmills for good, they are also sometimes used for evil, too. Trolls have been known to use windmills to block garages and apartment entrances in GTA Online, killing the victims every time they want to leave their home.

As shitty as that is, it’s hilarious to read the wind turbine complaints online, too:


Another popular use of the wind turbines is to destroy the world. Players set up traps on the highway, like in that viral Tweet, then watch everything fall apart:

One player even took the unstoppable train and stuck a few deadly windmills on it to make this evil looking machine.

After all these years of cruel and unusual wind turbine punishment, it’s no wonder that NPCs are now fighting back.