Google launched a new search service today, which returns query results as you type them in. Let's see how it handles some of the most popular video game series.
The test is simple. Keep typing in the title to a video game or series until Google Instant turns up a result. See how many letters it takes. Presumably, the bigger the series, the faster the result, though the first few letters of a game's name help; Zelda doesn't have much competition, for example.
The most impressive? Metal Gear Solid, Team Fortress 2 and Tetris, the first two because they show up having just typed words as common as "metal" and "team", the latter because all it needed was a "te".
UPDATE - Seems these results could be skewed by your browsing history, but I've never searched for "grand canyon", "granite" or "teamviewer" in my life. Maybe a mix of recorded results and Google's suggestions?