Duke Nukem Forever There are times when Duke Nukem Forever, a game that was supposed to be out in the 20th century, looks brand new! And there are other times, like this NSFW clip, where it really shows its age.
I don't mean in terms of the graphics, or the guns, or anything like that. I mean those kissing schoolgirls! Some will call them a little tasteless, others just an example of the kind of thing a Duke Nukem game should have, but whichever camp you're in, they look like they fell straight out of the 1999 Yearbook of What's Cool For Horny Teenagers.
Duke Nukem Forever began development in 1997, and over a decade later was presume dead when its developers went bust. It's now back on the menu thanks to Gearbox, and should be out on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in May.