There are four character classes in Trion Worlds’ Diablo-style MMO Devilian, launching next week in North America—busty woman, stout man, Dante from Devil May Cry and uncomfortably young-looking girl with a gun.
Their official names are Evoker...
Shadowhunter but secretly Dante...
and uncomfortably young-looking Cannoneer.
Having dabbled with all four classes now, I regret to inform you that the one I enjoy playing the most is...well, you see where this is going.
Ranged attacks, massive explosions, area-of-effect chaos—the Cannoneer is the bomb in combat. I just wish she were taller. And didn’t skip about merrily. Could we get her some jeans?
Yes, that’s a pet corgi.
It’s probably a South Korean thing. Specifically a South Korean developer called Bluehole Ginno thing, because Bluehole is also responsible for En Masse’s MMO TERA, which features an entire race of little girls with ears and tails.
Once you get over the initial awkward, Devilian has a lot going for it. It has lovely mouse-based action role-playing combat, an expansive world that’s easy to navigate thanks to Autorun command that paths your character directly to their quest objective. I hear the PVP is lovely. Plus Devilian is fun to say in a dramatic voice.
Check out the character creation and the opening quest sequence in the video below, where I say the name in a dramatic voice at least five times.
Pretty entertaining, and I’ve not even gotten to the point where my character assumes her demonic form and lays waste to any who would dare raise a hand against her.
See? Now that’s adorable. Why can’t she look like that all the time?
The free-to-play Devilian is currently in open beta, with sign-ups at its official website. Beta ends tomorrow evening with the final server wipe, and then the game’s headstart for players who’ve purchased a founder’s pack sort of thing kicks off this coming Tuesday, with the wide launch on Thursday, December 10.
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