GameStop will be canceling midnight release events, like those for Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Doom Eternal, for the foreseeable future and shutting down demo stations in their stores, according to an internal memo sent to employees this morning and obtained by Kotaku.
“Until further notice, late night launch events are suspended,” the memo reads. “To maintain the health and safety of our guests and associates, it is best that we avoid situations where large numbers of guests are gathered indoors or standing in line.”
Kotaku spoke with several current GameStop employees yesterday about their concerns for the company’s policies regarding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In addition to a lack of cleaning supplies to keep stores sanitized, employees were also worried about corporate’s inaction on upcoming midnight releases, which would have gathered dozens of customers together into thousands of the retail chain’s densely-packed, narrow stores.
GameStop have also asked stores to shut down demo stations, implemented a twice-hourly hand-washing mandate, and instruct associates on ways to clean the Verifone payment terminals.
That said, employees told Kotaku yesterday that necessary sanitation supplies are still not being provided through the company’s normal supply chain, despite front-facing messaging telling customers otherwise. Employees have been asked to source cleaning products locally, which is often easier said than done thanks to the current increased demand for, and hoarding of, items like hand sanitizer, cleaning wipes, and toilet paper.