There are no shortage of zombie games out there—but outstanding ones have come out in the last year. At first…
Zombie Zone is the European localized name for the first game in the OneeChanbara series. It's a part of the Simple 2000 series by Japanese publisher D3 Publisher, as part of a series of budget priced games that usually sell at 2000¥. You play as Aya, a scantily clad cowgirl with a scarf, in a hack-and-slash against slow-moving zombies in little arena's. There is a feature called "sword fatigue": if you don't clean your sword in time, it will get stuck in an enemy, giving him an advantage over you. There are also slight RPG elements. You can upgrade your characters by collecting orbs dropped by defeated enemies. At the end of each level, you can use the orbs to make Aya more powerful. Sometimes the enemies drop red orbs; if you collect enough of them, you turn into a demon. Your attacks become more powerful, but they also take away from your health.
There are no shortage of zombie games out there—but outstanding ones have come out in the last year. At first…
DayZ. It's a wonderfully complicated, extremely hardcore game. Soon the online zombie survival sensation, which…
Elizabeth: Booker... are you afraid of God?
Booker: No, but I'm afraid of paying full price.
Imagine it's a hot, sweaty summer's day. You've been running jet fighter drills all morning long, heat rising in…
This last week I picked up the Capcom/Namco-Bandai/Sega mega crossover Project X Zone. The game sports characters…
Treyarch has made cool-looking stuff in the Call of Duty video games, including the introduction of the series'…
The fan-favorite co-op zombies mode is back in this year's Call of Duty: Black Ops II and the first trailer for it…
I adore The Walking Dead. So when I heard about this drag of a Facebook game Kate wrote about, I worried. This is a…
Editor's Note: Imagine that there are secrets about video games buried under the soil on which you stand. The…
I've been playing a lot of Civ V on my PC lately. That's probably why it was the first, immediate point of…