Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Open world single player / CO-OP survival sandbox game with zombies and wildlife.
Many ruder-than-scientific words exist for "homosexual"; the faceless internet crams my inbox with them every day.
Amongst the new Resident Evil title's many flaws is one glaring (and hilarious) one. Join a round of versus and…
If you're here in the Panel Discussion programming block, you might be a lapsed comics reader, trying to find a way…
Nom nom nom nom human flesh and limbs. That's essentially the crux of indie game Depth where you can play either…
The next spinoff of Capcom's survival horror series puts players in a three-sided warzone with two human factions…
[Editor's Note: Every month, we pay Tim Rogers to share his unique view of video games. But Tim has gone and made a…
They say that in life, nothing is certain but death and taxes. The cost of living in the real world seems to get…
After playing a few hours with it, I can say that Alan Wake's American Nightmare's survival mode, officially…
It's Thursday, which means it's almost Friday, which means it's almost the weekend! That's a reason to celebrate,…
Binary | TOKYO, JAPAN: Via tipster Jinah comes these photos. (Photo: Game Watch)