Zombie Teacher

Zombie Teacher

Edgy Games
May 14, 2018
Platform, Indie
Edgy Games
Release Date
May 14, 2018 (6 years and 10 months ago)
Edgy Games
Zombie Teacher

Discover Games


Zombie Teacher is a gloriously retro platforming adventure that pays tribute to the video game stars of yesterday. Your task is to help our villain become the star of his very own game. All you must do is collect 66 vintage arcades from across the globe...sounds simple enough! What can best be described as a mix between Super Mario Bros 3, Earthworm Jim and WarioWare, Zombie Teacher is a bizarre adventure like no other! Combining the challenge of those classics from the 90's with super precise controls allows for some brutally beautiful action platforming. Along your journey you shall jump, bounce, climb and crawl through more than 14 unique worlds ranging from INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY to an 8-BIT ADVENTURE like no other!

Platform, Indie
PC (Microsoft Windows)
Edgy Games
Release Date
May 14, 2018 (6 years and 10 months ago)
Edgy Games
Zombie Teacher

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