Zombie Survival

Zombie Survival

Simulator, Strategy, Indie
Zombie Survival

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This is the first game where the theme is literally zombie survival. No Humans Allowed, except as the main course. An apocalyptic city building survival game where you grow the zombie horde and take over the world.

Simulator, Strategy, Indie
Zombie Survival
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Zombie Survival News

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Dying Light, the parkour-themed zombie action game released in January 2015, is getting another free year’s worth of ten DLCs, according to its developer. While many players said they are excited, some players also said that they would rather see a sequel. All of the DLCs will be free on console and PC.


We liked what we saw at E3 of zombie survival sim State of Decay II. The sequel still involves leveling up a group of survivors, still has permadeath. Adds online co-op (with permadeath!) and hundreds more character traits. Can a guilt-motivated groundskeeper co-exist with a fight choreographer who snores? Spring 2018 Read more


World War Z (the book): A meticulous, global history of the zombie apocalypse.  Read more
