Going into Arcadias no Ikusahime (The Warrior Princess of Arcadias) I expected two things: 1) A beautiful-looking…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Yours Truly
Yours Truly is an emotional 3rd person narrative-driven game with elements of exploration, puzzles, and platforming. Centered around Liam who is stranded in a strange world searching for his true self, and purpose while finding a way home.
Going into Arcadias no Ikusahime (The Warrior Princess of Arcadias) I expected two things: 1) A beautiful-looking…
Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of price decrementation. Take a look, and you'll see, widespread price…
Moneysaver makes the world go 'round (at a discounted rate).
Moneysaver, we make the sales come through. Moneysaver, we'll bring them right to you. When your world looks kind of…
The things I said were out of line and the mouth that said them would soon be out of alignment, too. That's the…
Take the Moneysaver and run.
"I could pay full price, but if I wanted to see what games I could save money on, where would I go?" "You'd go to…
And if the band you're in pays full price too soon, I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
Moneysaver becomes Electra.
Like Pikmin 2 before it, Pikmin 3 comes with several multiplayer modes.