I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…
I've lived in Japan for a long time. When I first came here, I liked living here. Now, I don't. I haven't changed.…
Well, fun was never a given in a game made by Suda 51 anyway.
Satisfying the unknown need for a thinking-person's Breakout, Trajectile is (psst) a new DSiWare game from the…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
In an open letter on the Double Fine community site Brutal Legend developer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer…
What is it about British academies that's so appealing? Is it the uniforms, the block scheduling or the fact that…
EA Mobile Associate Producer Mike Pagano is a good panel speaker to have right after lunch — he's very loud, very…
Hip-hop sensibilities and anime style clash in Afro Samurai, a hack and slash brawler based on the cult-hit…
Mount & Blade is like that quirky girl who sits behind you in art class – you don't talk to her because you're…