Take a good gander at the above image, because it’s one of the few legitimate images of Yakuza 0’s campaign that…
Take a good gander at the above image, because it’s one of the few legitimate images of Yakuza 0’s campaign that…
You may have noticed a lot of people talking about the new PS4 game Bloodborne. It’s good, they say. It’s really…
Road trips are rad. You cram into a car with your best pals and explore the great unknown. Or a series of…
At $100, Best Buy's Gamers Club Unlocked was a decent deal for hardcore gamers, but a tough sell for most. Today…
"I'm very new to this," I typed, "just to warn y'all." A second later, someone responded: "You're a smurf, aren't…
If you've never played Monster Hunter, then Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is the best jumping-on point – but it's…
It's time to team up and go hunt some of Final Fantasy's most iconic creatures.
"Eh, it was a video game," I flippantly told a friend shortly after I got back from a recent Witcher 3: Wild Hunt…
If you pick up the newly-released Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + GAT Out Of Hell pack for PS4 or Xbox One today, …
What happens when you take a bit of Mario and cross it with a bit of Tetris? You get the cutest little box-person in…