The Xbox One X is a box filled with powerful components that’s designed to do the same thing as a box with less…
The Xbox One X is a box filled with powerful components that’s designed to do the same thing as a box with less…
In a time when the existence of loot boxes containing random prizes is a sore subject among gamers, Activision makes…
Dragon Ball FighterZ, the gorgeous DBZ fighting game from Guilty Gear developer Arc System Works, won’t be out until…
Look at a screenshot of Rime. Any screenshot. Take in the swirling colors, the vast oceanside vistas, the stark,…
Considering Nintendo’s bizarre decision-making process, it’s nice to hear that the company may be doing the correct…
Of all the games with tens of colorful heroes and millions of people playing incessantly, Overwatch is the least…
In the world of video games, healing isn’t a glamorous gig. It’s hard enough to get people to do it when everybody’s…
Out of hundreds of potential choices, competitive Pokémon players can only bring six Alolan monsters into a…
I’m a big fan of open world shooters. When all the intersecting parts line up, you can have some amazing stories.…
No Man’s Sky and Spore have a lot in common. Both were ambitious to a fault. They aimed for the stars, but fell well…