It was shortly after the fifth time I got clocked in the face by an errant elbow that I realized: this mosh pit was…
Direct a little fuzzy creature to find his glasses, because he could not see very well, but this will not be easy! You have to put the launcher in the right place, and every launcher have a way to use it, you should avoid the Red Blocks, and help him to find his glasses safely.
It was shortly after the fifth time I got clocked in the face by an errant elbow that I realized: this mosh pit was…
How do I describe Tomodachi Life? I'll start with the name. "Tomodachi" (友達) is the Japanese word for "Friend," so…
The next-generation of monitor technology is upon us, quadrupling the number pixels our monitors can manifest and…
A couple of days ago, I felt like I was standing in a shark tank. Some time before that, Sony's head of PlayStation…
Some pics leaked earlier in the week, but LEGO have today taken the official wraps off their take on The Simpson's…
I haven't enjoyed a game in The Legend of Zelda franchise this much in more than 20 years.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII hit store shelves all across Japan yesterday and you can bet it has already…
The new Zelda does not feel like a game to skip, I'm happy to report after having played the game for five hours.…
The Tokyo-based Japan Studio, responsible for PlayStation 2 classics such as Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and the Ape…
“Sometimes I’m tempted to just, like, lie,” laughs a colleague across a table from me.