The first time I saw the opening to Attack on Titan—with the cast swinging through the city and killing a titan—my…
About the game Western Death - is a 2D roguelike game with RPG and fantasy elements.
The first time I saw the opening to Attack on Titan—with the cast swinging through the city and killing a titan—my…
With the winter holidays coming up, you may find yourself with a little free time and no anime to watch. Luckily,…
This last weekend saw the release of Persona 3: Birth of Spring, the first movie based on the excellent JRPG Persona…
Back in August, I played Danganronpa on the PSP. While eager to play the sequel, I decided hold back and wait a…
Time was, there were loads of rootin’, tootin’ cowboy comics on spinner racks everywhere. But none of those books…
Don’t let the appealingly cartoony look of Boxers & Saints fool you. Terrible things happen in this graphic novel.…
Doctored screenshots? A demo that directly contradicts the actual game? In-game writing specifically designed to…
Legate Lanius is a Fallout foe that was forged through blood—and this fan film by FalloutLanius tells his most…
As I was watching Danganronpa: The Animation for my look at the five anime you should be watching this summer, I…
You’ve always wanted to know how the Punisher makes decisions, haven’t you? Or when exactly comic books got so damn…